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40.19g Olivine Diogenite I Beautiful HED Achondrite Meteorite from Asteroid 4 Vesta

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On Offer: 40.19g Diogenite olivine-bearing HED achondrite meteorite slice
Official name: *Northeast Africa 070 (NEA 070)
Type: HED Diogenite-olivine
Parent Body: Likely Vesta or Vestoid
Description: 40.19 gram slice of an amazing olivine-bearing diogenite HED meteorite. Polished on one side.
The HED Meteorites: The HED meteorite group is so named for the three types of meteorites that comprise the group; Howardite, Eucrite and Diogenite. The Eucrite and Diogenite have distinct mineralogies, the Howardite is a breccia of the Eucrite and Diogenite.
The HEDs are differentiated achondritic meteorites thought to originate from Vesta, or a smaller Vesta-like asteroid known as a vestoid. 
What you get: 40.19 gram diogenite meteorite specimen as shown, & signed Certificate of Authenticity.
I offer a 100% no questions asked 30 day return policy.

Northeast Africa 070
Basic information Name: Northeast Africa 070
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: NEA 070
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2023
Country: Libya
Mass:help 1600 g
Recommended:   Diogenite-olivine    [explanation]

This is 1 of 32 approved meteorites classified as Diogenite-olivine.   [show all]
Search for other: Achondrites, Diogenites, and HED achondrites
Comments: Approved 13 Dec 2024
Writeup from MB 113:

Northeast Africa 070 (NEA 070)


Purchased: 2023 Oct

Classification: HED achondrite (Diogenite, olivine)

History: Purchased by Isaac Schroeder in October, 2023 from a meteorite hunter in Libya.

Physical characteristics: A single 1600 gram dark colored stone displaying remnant fusion crust with green and yellow crystals visible through some areas of the exterior.

Petrography: (D. Dickens, LMAC ) An igneous rock with phaneritic texture composed mainly of low-Ca pyroxene and olivine. Examination of polished probe mount shows a coarse grained poikilitic microstructure of low-Ca pyroxene enclosing less abundant rounded olivine grains of approximately 50 µm to 250 µm with rare accessory plagioclase. Several areas of the sample display interstitial and transecting veinlets of kamacite. Minor phases include bytownite, chromite, and kamacite.

Geochemistry: (D. Dickens, LMAC and A. S. Bell, UColo) Low-Ca Pyroxene Fs22.7±0.3Wo2.9±0.6, FeO/MnO = 29±1 (n=19). Olivine Fa27.8±0.3, FeO/MnO = 46.1±2 (n=15). Plagioclase An85.6±1.4Ab13.3±1.4Or1.5±0.3 (n=6). Chromite TiO2 0.9±0.1, Al2O3 5.7±0.2, MgO 5.8±0.3 (all wt%), Cr#=83, Mg#=32 (n=3).

Classification: Achondrite (diogenite-olivine)

Specimens: Type specimen of 21 g at TCU. Mian mass with Issac Schroeder.

Data from:
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Place of purchase: Libya
Date: P 2023 Oct
Mass (g): 1600
Pieces: 1
Class: Diogenite-olivine
Fayalite (mol%): 27.8±0.3
Ferrosilite (mol%): 22.7±0.3
Wollastonite (mol%): 2.9±0.6
Classifier: D. Dickens, LMAC
Type spec mass (g): 21
Type spec location: TCU
Main mass: Isaac Schroeder
Comments: Field name IS04; submitted by Dustin Dickens

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