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8.36g CM2 Tinina 001 Meteorite I New Carbonaceous Chondrite

Top Meteorite

  • $486.00

On Offer: 8.36g Tinina 001 complete slice of a new CM2 aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite from Lybia.

Dimensions: 65mm x 34mm x 2mm

Type: CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrite

Year found: 2023

Country: Libya

Description: An amazing 8.36 gram full slice of the new Tinina 001 CM2 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite. This meteorite was interacting with water on its parent asteroid while still in space. Contact with this extraterrestrial water has altered many of its silicate minerals to be hydrous phyllosilicates. These slices reveal a dark black interior with many gray-white areas <1 mm, and rare small bright metal flecks. Most of he outer edges of the slices cut from this meteorite display a pristine fresh black fusion crust.

I really enjoyed analyzing and classifying this meteorite. While it was perhaps the most difficult meteorite I have ever worked on, it was also the most rewarding. It pushed my boundaries on many levels and gave me a new appreciation for just how complex and enigmatic these aqueously altered chondrites realIy are. I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that one could spend a lifetime studying just this one meteorite. My petrographic examination of this specimen with the microprobe's BSE imaging at the University of Colorado Boulder shows chondrules, chondrule fragments, tochilinite-cronstedtite intergrowths (TCIs), and Calcium aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) set in a fine-grained black matrix >50 vol%. Most chondrules are porphyritic type I with predominantly forsteritic olivine. A few type IIA chondrules were also observed. Most chondrules are altered and display fine-grained dust rims. Apparent mean chondrule diameter approximately 324±168 µm (n=20). Matrix olivines are fragmental and ferroan. Rare metal in matrix and chondrules are often enclosed by silicates or glass. TCIs are present throughout the matrix...(excerpt taken from the petrology section of the official Meteoritical Bulletin classification writeup, full writeup included below).



What you get: 8.36g Tinina 001 CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorite slice, as shown. Membrane Storage/Display Box, & signed Certificate of Authenticity.

I offer a 100% no questions asked 30 day return policy. 


Tinina 001
Basic information Name: Tinina 001
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: There is no official abbreviation for this meteorite.
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2023
Country: Libya
Mass:help 140 g
Recommended:   CM2   

This is 1 of 655 approved meteorites classified as CM2.   [show all]
Search for other: Carbonaceous chondrites, Carbonaceous chondrites (type 2), CM chondrites, and CM-CO clan chondrites
Comments: Approved 23 Feb 2025
Writeup from MB 114:

Tinina 001        31.41281°N, 13.69218°E

Sawfajjin, Libya

Purchased: 2023 Aug

Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2)

History: Purchased by Isaac Schroeder in August, 2023, from a meteorite hunter in Libya.

Physical characteristics: A single 140 g stone with scoriaceous black fusion crust covering the exterior. A cut surface reveals a dark black interior with many gray-white areas <1 mm, and rare small bright metal flecks.

Petrography: (D. Dickens, LMAC) Examination of a polished thin section in BSE and transmitted light shows chondrules, chondrule fragments, tochilinite-cronstedtite intergrowths (TCIs), and CAIs set in a fine-grained black matrix >50 vol%. Most chondrules are porphyritic type I with predominantly forsteritic olivine. A few type IIA chondrules were also observed. Most chondrules are altered and display fine-grained dust rims. Apparent mean chondrule diameter approximately 324±168 µm (n=20). Matrix olivines are fragmental and ferroan. Rare metal in matrix and chondrules are often enclosed by silicates or glass. TCIs are present throughout the matrix, sometimes rimming chondrules, with several zoned TCIs of approximately 50 to 150 μm. Opaque accessory minerals are troilite, Fe-Ni sulfide, and kamacite. Low analytical totals of matrix indicate the presence of hydrous phyllosilicates.

Geochemistry: (D. Dickens, LMAC and A. S. Bell, UColo) Type I chondrule olivine Fa0.5±0.3, Cr2O3=0.21±0.17 (wt%) n=23. Ferroan matrix olivine Fa32.4±6.5, Fe/Mn=111±16, Cr2O3=0.35±0.02 (wt%) n=8. Low-Ca pyroxene Fs2.5±0.7Wo2.9±1.3, (wt%) n=4. Matrix (20 µm defocused beam) analytical totals of 67.1±3.3 (wt%) and FeO=25.4±4.5 (wt%), n=8.

Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2)

Specimens: Type specimen of 20 g at TCU. Main mass with Issac Schroeder.

Data from:
  Table 0
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State/Prov/County: Sawfajjin
Place of purchase: Libya
Date: P 2023 Aug
Latitude: 31.41281°N
Longitude: 13.69218°E
Mass (g): 140
Pieces: 1
Class: CM2
Weathering grade: low
Fayalite (mol%): 0.5±0.3, 32.4±6.5
Ferrosilite (mol%): 2.5±0.7
Wollastonite (mol%): 2.9±1.3
Classifier: D. Dickens, LMAC
Type spec mass (g): 20
Type spec location: TCU
Main mass: Isaac Schroeder
Comments: Field name IS02; submitted by Dustin Dickens

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