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8.34g Eucrite Monomict Slice | HED NWA 8555

Top Meteorite

  • $305.00

On Offer: 8.34 gram Eucrite Monomict Slice I NWA 8555
Dimensions:  51.20 mm x 36.05 mm x 2.35 mm
Type: HED achondrite (Eucrite, monomict)
Origin: Morocco
Official name: NWA 8555 
Description: 8.34 gram polished on one side, slice of monomict eucrite NWA 8555.
What you get: 8.34 gram NWA 8555 Eucrite Meteorite Specimen as Shown & signed Certificate of Authenticity.
I offer a 100% no questions asked 30 day return policy.
Northwest Africa 8555
Basic information Name: Northwest Africa 8555
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: NWA 8555 
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2013
Country: (Northwest Africa) 
Mass:help 2.92 kg
Recommended:   Eucrite-mmict  

This is 1 of 187 approved meteorites classified as Eucrite-mmict. [show all]
Search for other: Achondrites,Eucrites, and HED achondrites
Comments: Approved 18 Oct 2014
Writeup from MB 103: 

Northwest Africa 8555 (NWA 8555)

(Northwest Africa)

Purchased: 2013

Classification: HED achondrite (Eucrite, monomict)

History: Purchased by Brahim Tahiri from a Moroccan hunter and sent to his partner Sean Tutorow for classification, April, 2013.

Physical characteristics: Two matching stones, 1729 g and 1198 g. Irregular weathered exterior. Saw cut reveals a breccia with tan lithic clasts up to 1 cm set in a dark-gray matrix.

Petrography: (C. Agee, UNM) Microprobe examination of a polished mount show basaltic eucrite clasts cross-cut by shock melt veins, pyroxenes show exsolution lamellae. Ubiquitous chromite, ilmenite, and silica, some barite found. Moderate weathering.

Geochemistry: (C. Agee and N. Muttik, UNM) Low-Ca pyroxene Fs60.7±2.2Wo4.5±2.4, Fe/Mn=33±1, n=12; high-Ca pyroxene Fs29.3±1.5Wo41.1±1.6, Fe/Mn=33±1, n=12; plagioclase An89.0±1.2, n=8.

Classification: Achondrite (monomict eucrite)

Specimens: 59.78 g including a probe mount on deposit at UNM, Sean Tutorow holds the main mass.

Data from:
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Place of purchase: Morocco
Date: P 2013
Mass (g): 2923.78
Pieces: 1
Class: Eucrite-mmict
Weathering grade: moderate
Classifier: C. Agee, UNM
Type spec mass (g): 59.78
Type spec location: UNM
Main mass: Sean Tutorow
Comments: Field name G565; submitted by C. Agee, UNM
   and collections
UNM: Institute of Meteoritics MSC03 2050 University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131-1126 USA, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 12 Feb 2015)

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