Everything Under the Sun!
19.40g AGOUDAL I IIAB Iron Meteorite
48g Unclassified HED Meteorite | Beautiful HED Meteorite fragment with CRUST
33.0g Unclassified HED Meteorite | Fragment with CRUST!
41.7g Unclassified HED Meteorite | Fragment with flow lines and crust
43.9g Eucrite Polymict | NWA 11341 Meteorite | Collector's Specimen
1.367g Erg Chech 002 Ungrouped Achondrite Meteorite Slice
12.12 gram NWA 859 TAZA meteorite - Ungrouped Iron Meteorite
12.31 gram NWA 859 TAZA meteorite - Ungrouped Iron Meteorite
1.15g C2-ung TARDA Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorite
12.20g Eucrite Slice Monomict Basaltic Breccia
11.24g Eucrite Slice Monomict Basaltic Breccia
0.92g Aubrite Meteorite fragment - TIGLIT I 2021 Observed Fall
1.75g Mesosiderite Meteorite I NWA 8291
1.757g Erg Chech 002 Ungrouped Achondrite Meteorite
1.952g Erg Chech 002 Ungrouped Achondrite Meteorite
14.5g Eucrite Monomict Slice | HED NWA 8555
0.59g Martian Meteorite in Display Frame I Amazing piece of MARS I NWA 10441
1.11g Carbonaceous Chondrite C3-ung I NWA 12416
1.16g Carbonaceous Chondrite C3-ung I NWA 12416
1.36g Carbonaceous Chondrite C3-ung I NWA 12416