Drilling For Meteorites by James P. Tobin - Book
Drilling For Meteorites is the untold story of Meteor Crater in 1920-21 when it was a lonely, isolated mining camp. Bitter cold in the winter, broiling heat in the summer, and roaring winds were just some of the troubles a hearty band of drillers faced in their attempt to find the buried star under the crater rim. Led by mining superintendent L. F. S. Holland they fought a battle with a natural wonder, Earth's first impact crater to be investigated. Their saga was preserved in the papers saved by Mr. Holland. Many of the features seen at Meteor Crater today have their origin in the one year that L. F. S. Holland was in charge. The tunnel and tailing pile on the south wall, the buildings on the south slope, the actual drilling site where 5,500 tons of rock were removed are just a few of the remains from 1920-21 which survive. This and much more is revealed in detail in Drilling for Meteorites.
About the author
Bibliographic Details
- Tittle: Drilling for Meteorites
Author: James P. Tobin
Number Of Pages: 244 pages
Format: Paperback
- Illustrations: Yes - black and white.
Publication Year: 2017
Language: English
Publisher: James P. Tobin
Please note that this book has not been signed by the author.
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